Thursday, December 23, 2010

[android-developers] JNI CallVoidMethod can t call

Hello, I tried to communicate between C++ and Java with JNI.

I manage to execute test like HelloJNI in android-ndk.

I want my c++ native code call java function but when I debug my app I
have this JNI warning:
"cant' call Lcom/project/teststl/TestSTL; .test on instance of Ljava/
lang/Class; "

my package is "com.project.teststl"
my java class is TestSTL and extends from Activity. in onCreate
function I call a native function write in c++ and all is ok.
In this native function I Find my class and GetMethodId without error.
But method CallVoidMethod crash. Why? must I create a thread and

Part of my native code:

jclass caller;

Java_com_project_teststl_TestSTL_setCaller(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj)
if (env->ExceptionOccurred())
__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "test", "env null");
return ;
jclass localclass;// = (jclass)(env->GetObjectClass(obj));

localclass = env->FindClass("com/project/teststl/TestSTL");
if (localclass == 0)
__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "test", "classe not found");

return ;

/* Create a global reference */
caller = (jclass*)(env->NewGlobalRef(localclass));

// use of global reference
jmethodID mid = (env)->GetMethodID( caller, "test", "()V");
if (mid == 0) {

/* The local reference is no longer useful */
(env)->DeleteLocalRef( localclass);

// Here I have tried also with obj parameter

env->CallVoidMethod( caller, mid);


any idea?

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